Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I'm dying!

He looks like I snapped a picture while he was walking, but I didn't. He's standing there like that with his paw in the air and that sad look on his face.

To hear him tell it, he's had a terrible injury. He's been limping all over the house.

He came home from his walk and within two minutes the kitchen floor was covered in blood spots. We quickly discovered that his paw was cut. It turned out to be a bad cut, but not bad enough for the vet. It's like when you cut yourself with a knife while cooking, don't need a doctor, but are inconvenienced for three days holding your hand still while the cut gets a head start on its healing.

Only he's being dramatic. He went from unaware he was cut to limping around the house. It's been a few days, so now he goes bandage free in the house but bandaged up for walks. It's the bandage that makes him limp. It's hysterical.

We comfort him as best we can.

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