Monday, November 17, 2008

Raising the Environmental Bar

Mark installed a metal bar across our laundry room.

Now I can hang my hand laundry to dry in the laundry room, instead of on the shower rod in the spare bathroom. The bar is also large and sturdy enough to hang a load from the machine to dry. I plan to try that. I will not bother to wash the small stuff with the intention of hanging to dry. I'll sort the small stuff and wash that all in one load once a week, but wash and hang the big stuff one load per day. We'll see how it goes.

Now my spare bathroom, known as "the pink bathroom" is due for its renovation. I tore down the wall paper already, oh, maybe three years a go. I hate to rush. That bathroom leaked water into the downstairs entry, so I need to recaulk and fix the grout. I'm going to reseal it all, too. Then I'll check for leaks, sand and paint, then think about ordering some cabinets and a new mirror/light fixture. I've painted every room in the house except the bathrooms and down stairs entry. I hope to do all three bathrooms over the winter. That should keep me out of trouble. If the pink bathroom passes its leak test of sustained bathroom use, then I'll fix the downstairs entry and paint it. That will mean I've repainted the entire house. What a job!

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