By singing Queen all morning. I drank my coffee wondering, Is this my real life?
He's a pretty good singer, though, so I encouraged him to have faith that life had just begun. Don't throw it all away by not auditioning, just to avoid some stress. (He's tempted.) I guess that was the wrong thing to say. He said, "If I'm not back again this time tomorrow-Carry on, carry on, as if nothing really matters."
Then I got some pictures in my email. This is my brother with his band, Blues Mission. They live in Phoenix. I can't wait to show Rob. My brother Steve is the one in the green Hawaiian shirt.

Tonight I'll remind Rob, "You're not just a poor boy from a poor family. You come from talent!"
Rob will tell me I don't understand, that "Beelzebub has a devil put aside for me, for me, for me-"
And tomorrow, he'll face off with him. I'm putting my money on Rob.
And if he doesn't get a part? By Monday he'll be happily singing, "Any way the wind blows...."
We'll be awhile before we know the real Rob. I'll wait for that knowledge in a joy-filled hope.
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