Thursday, May 29, 2008

I love my new sprinkler. It's one piece, has no moving parts, and is made of cast iron. It was exactly what I wanted. I've had more sprinklers that I can count just appear out of the garage in the spring toes up. I wanted a simple sprinkler that wouldn't die after one year. The best part was that it was the cheapest sprinkler in the store. I considered that a lovely bonus.

I took this picture of my sprinkler, and was quite delighted to find a rainbow. It reminded me of Genesis 9:14-15: “When I bring clouds over the earth, and the bow appears in the clouds, I will recall the covenant I have made between me and you and all living beings.” Me, too.

I am oddly obsessed with my grass circle. We had an indentation in the yard. Once when Rob was between fourth and fifth grade, he was mowing and the mower fell into it and got stuck. Our neighbor was driving by and helped Rob get it out of the hole. For the next four years, whenever someone mowed, they made a production of mowing around it. This year, I had an idea! We filled it with dirt. Duh. It's not like it's a big production or anything. We have plenty of dirt. But I have watered it faithfully and the little grass has sprouted. I enjoy checking on it. Weird, I know.

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